Saturday 18 March 2017

Charlotte Tilbury Instant Magic Facial Dry Sheet Mask - my thoughts

I love a good face mask, I don't mind the faff or the mess or time consumingness of the whole ritual of it all. 

I wanted to try the new Charlotte Tilbury Sheet Mask because, well, it's Charlotte Tilbury innit? I have yet to try a product of hers that I have not liked.

Much as I love a good face mask, I am a sheet mask virgin so whilst I realise that the CT sheet mask is different from the majority of face masks because it is dry, I have no experience of trying one - actually that is a damn lie because as I type this I realise that I had an Erno Lazlo Sensitive Hydrogel Mask in the Harvey Nichols GWP bag last autumn, a delightfully slippy oozey deeply hydrating sheet mask which I happily applied several times over the Christmas period - see below bottom right

This mask is entirely different, the polar opposite of Erno Lazlo mask. It is made of a thickish fabric which has a stretch. It feels dry, like fabric feels dry, not paper dry, but not damp in anyway, no moisture. So one attaches it to one's face, massages the skin through the mask, and again there is no feeling that one is releasing anything, but I suppose the skin does slightly become attracted to the mask, no sticking mind, just an attraction! And then one sits back and waits, or gets on with whatever one was doing before, or going to do, for 15 minutes.

I don't really know what I was expecting, but my skin felt moisturised, toned, rested, it looked plumper, creases were lessened, it looked rested.

I tried it 3 times in total as advised, maybe I could have got another go out of it but for me it would have been pushing it.l I tried it last thing at night and first thing in the morning, each time after cleansing my face. It was most successful as a pre-makeup mask.

Now it is £18 for a single mask, or £60 for 4 masks, so either way it is £6 per use (single mask) or £5 per use (4 masks) based on getting 3 uses. For me that is a good price. I am happy and will be buying the set. More information from Charlotte Tilbury.

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