Monday 30 November 2015

Sunday Riley Sandwich

Most nights I partake of a Sunday Riley Sandwich. I cleanse and then cleanse again and maybe cleanse a third time, leaving my third cleanser on whilst I complete the rest of my ablutions. I will then rinse and rinse again and maybe rinse a third time, apply a "toner" of some sort and then continue with the aforementioned sandwich.

From what I understand from those who have contacted Sunday Riley directly, the order of Luna and Good Genes is Luna always first onto clean dry skin and then Good Genes, and the idea is to leave Luna on as long as possible without any other product on the top.

Now I don't know much about ingredients, I am learning but I do tend to switch off somewhat.  My approach to purchasing products may seem somewhat cavalier in that I buy what I like the sound of, I read magazines and blogs and websites and other customer reviews and dip my toe in and have a go.

Sunday Riley came onto my radar a couple of years ago, I started with the Ceramic Slip Cleanser - being the cheapest product in the range, liked what I tried and continued from there. I have reviewed Good Genes here, and my initial thoughts on Luna here and whilst they are each stand alone products in their own right, for my skin, the combination of all three has made the biggest difference which equates to more even skin tone and that is it.

An update on Luna Oil is to follow as I am now coming to the end of it. Flora Facial Oil (mine is under the previous name Isis) review to follow.

All purchased from SpaceNK or Cultbeauty with various offers/Ndulge points to redeem.


  1. Ahhh wonderful to see you back. Brilliant post as ever x

    1. Thankyou Sandra - getting back onto the bus so to speak :)

  2. Well you do like yourself a bit of SR don't you ;) Those Ndulge points can be a dangerous thing. Have you tried the Blue Moon Tranquility Cleansing Balm? I've very tempted by it as have read reviews saying its ok on sensitive skin, but then on the other hand I don't always do too well when I deviate from my trusted skincare.

    1. Yes I do, rather too much! I am about a quarter of the way through the Blue Moon Tranquility Cleansing Balm, and will do a review in a bit - it has a distinctive smell, a bit like orangey chocolate, and the texture is soft oily as opposed to buttery oily (Emma Hardie), grainy oily (Eve Lom) or gel oily (Elemis Pro Collagen). I don't find it the best at removing makeup - it does it but I find I use too much to make it effective, but what I really like it for is as a second sort of treatment cleanser, because if left on for a bit whilst indulging in a bath or in my case a shower, it is really hydrating and nourishing on my skin. I actually don't think I could do without it now.

    2. Thanks for your thoughts on the balm, I was hoping to use it of a night time for makeup removal, I really like my Pai but I get through the 200ml in a month so figured a balm would be the way to go as its more concentrated. I'm thinking that if its not the best for makeup removal it might not be suited to my needs, but then you say you can't do without it and I feel the need to buy ;)

    3. It may suit you for makeup removal, and certainly a little goes a long way...your call! If you do go for it I would be interested to hear your thoughts :)
