Wednesday 6 May 2015

By Terry Mascara Terrybly

 I am not great with mascara, if I was asked what my dessert island makeup product would be, mascara would not be it, too fraught with difficulties for my liking. However I am not averse to the charms of mascara, and this one caught my eye because of its lash enhancing properties, as I understand it, that means it not only conditions but may even encourage growth.

What I want from a mascara is something which adds a bit of definition, my lashes are quite long, but are flimsy and wimpy and need some nurturing really, most important is that it does not feel crispy on the lashes and it removes easily.

I went for #2 Moka Brown.

I like the brush which is a traditional fibre Christmas tree type, no blimmin' new fangled plastic teeth for me thankyou very much.

The brown is suprisingly dark but rich, what I mean is that it has some depth to the shade.

Below applied to one eye, fairly obvious which one I would say.

I have only just started to use this, so I cannot vouch for its enhancing properties but so far so happy, a product which defines and separates, feels soft on the lashes, does not flake on me and removes easily.

£33.50 for 8mls

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