Monday 26 September 2016

An example of an inability to follow through

Firstly I have to say that this post is more about me than the following product. It is about my delight in beauty products but about my delight in owning them as opposed to using them - I am a piss-poor consumer of beauty products. I delight in the chase, the ability to secure something rare, and then I relax and admire my purchase and occasionally stroke it - idiot woman.

May Lindstrom The Blue Cocoon is a prime example. I own this. I purchased it last December as part of the Caroline Hirons/Cult Beauty beauty box collaboration. I posted about it briefly here 

I was looking forward to using it, more than that, I was excited.

As you can see this product was "made fresh" in October 2015. I received this in December 2015, it is now September 2016 and I have used all of this much....

See? Total epic fail at consuming. I have looked at it, I have admired the heavy glass jar, I have opening it, I have dipped a finger or two in, but I have not used to any great extent.

Now in my defense, I do not like the scent and that is a purely personal observation, I can smell the slightly chocolatey cocoa butter scent and the myrrh and lavender and it is all a bit strong for me.

I struggled to fit it into a routine; I used it post cleansing, seruming, oiling and moisturising as a sort of pre-bed facial massage, I tried it as the sole moisturiser/treatment post cleanse but it did not sit happily on my skin but I think that was more to do with the scent than any texture, because it is a balm which quickly melts into an oil and gives a slip which more than allows for a good massage. And it is an exceptionally good texture for massage, there is no sudden slippyness resulting in skidding fingers up the nose and into the eyes, just a singular reliable texture. It does sink in but after a time, and that is no bad thing in my mind.

The ingredients are lovely, the packaging is lovely, the texture is sublime, but it is not for me sadly. I think the moral is "be careful what you wish for." 

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