Wednesday 28 September 2016

Lip Fusion XXL - my lips but better

So this came in the recent SpaceNK gift with purchase bag. 

I was rather taken with this gwp - there were two options, luxury and deluxe (if I remember correctly), I ummmed and ahhhed for an age, so much so that the deluxe option ran out so I received the luxury option below.

I have never really been a fan of lip plumpers - I think partly because I find them a bit too tingly, and they favour either a cinnamon or peppermint flavour, neither of which appeal. And without blowing my own trumpet, I am pretty happy with my lips, a bit pointy but not too thin and anyway with awnings for eyelids, one has to make the most of what one is left with so for me the lips have it, the lips have it.

However what I do suffer from is a depletion of pigmentation, and a permanent fadedness which leads to continual "are you okay/ill?" if I do not wear colour on my lips.

This product gives me a smidge of colour and a tad of tingle. Enough to enable a bloom of colour, enough to make a bit of a difference.

I would consider buying this again - full size is £39.

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