Sunday 25 September 2016

NIOD Sanskrit Saponins

I have come to the end of this, this strange, yeasty like cleanser, all 90mls of it squeezed out and spread over my face for most evenings of the last two and a half months or so. 

I am a re-convert to the NIOD range. I tried products before in a starter kit and found them alien and strange, the watery textures and neutral scents gave nothing sensorial back to me. And the packages give little information other than ingredients, which is fine but I want a bit more, so it is word of mouth and the excellent Victoria Health website for the extra bits and pieces.

This is a cleansing balm I suppose, not a makeup remover though and instructions are very clear on that, designed to be applied post makeup removal to cleanse the face. And that I can cope with, I like to remove makeup and then go in with a second cleanse to clean my face.
The texture is somewhat sticky, and I like that too.  It can be massaged into the skin and with the addition of water does emulsify to a certain extent.

And how does it feel on the skin? Well to me it feels quite gentle, but thorough, I hesitate to say it but it does almost feel as if a vacuum is being created, and it is sucking up the remainding (cue new word or should that be tense? - ie remainder + remaining = remainding). Maybe what I mean is that the yeasty effervescentness feels as if it is pacmanning its way through my pores and emptying them of debris.

It does have a tendency to force itself through the opening, which adds to the feeling that it is alive!

I have enjoyed this so much that I have bought the mothership - all 180mls

I bought mine from Deciem, but Victoria Health also carries the larger size. Currently £34 

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