Wednesday 25 February 2015

By Terry Hyaluronic Hydra Powder

This is a finishing powder, but with hyaluronic acid, so rather than drying the skin it smooths and mattifies without rendering one's skin as a dead, dried up bit of old leaf. 

My skin is oily, but my skin always looks flat and dead with powder, until about an hour in when everything then melds together and my skin looks alive and real, that lasts for about an hour and then I look like a pool of oil.

It is white, and I have piled it onto my old dehydrated hands in an effort to show its shade.

The shade is white, but this picture makes it look like a smattering of flour, albeit of the 00 variety, but that is to do it a disservice, for this is light and almost without substance, it flies upward as soon as the plastic covering is pierced with a few holes.

I use this, applied carefully with a brush to set my makeup across the oiliest areas of my face, the nose and chin, and around my eyes, and it pretty well lasts for most of the day.

I also put it on post evening skincare routine to minimise any oiliness and I suppose "set" my skincare.

In the last three months or so of use, I have found this a rather invaluable product, and I would like to see how it fairs in the warmer months.

I purchased mine from SpaceNK where its £42 price tag was rendered a little less painful by the careful use of Ndulge points.

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