Monday, 23 February 2015

Eve Lom Cleanser

I first used this cleanser some 23 years ago. I remember reading an article in the much missed Marie Claire Health and Beauty magazine about spending £50 on a beauty regime (shows how long ago it was). I bought and I was hooked. 

To my mind this is the first of the balm cleansers, and if I am honest the benchmark with which I compare all newcomers.

So, a thick, somewhat grainy textured balm, someone likened it to goosefat in texture and look and I would agree. The scent is herbal and slightly medicinal, to me, not unpleasant, but distinctive. 

This is not a cleanser for those who like something quick, which emulsifies and removes grime with a quick addition of water and a quick rinse away, although it does emulsify if water is added. No this is a "dry hands, dry face" and massage away, a fingerful should suffice.

I have thin, aged skin with a fair smattering of thread veins and general redness and I have never had a reaction to this product, it is the most effective makeup remover for my skin and my makeup that I have used, on a single pass.

Of course the elephant in the room is that mineral oil is large component of this product. I am no scientist, all that I know about mineral oil is from my aromatherapy training (I completed 3 out of the 4 modules of a professional aromatherapy course with Penny Price) and mineral oil was dismissed as a carrier oil because the molecules are too large to penetrate the skin, not that anything can get in very deep, they just sit on the skin's surface. For a far more eloquent and knowledgeable post please read Colin's post here 

Of course balm cleansers have moved on in the intervening years, and I use many, and enjoy them all.

This was a limited edition 500mls pot from QVCUK, one can purchase 450mls from the Eve Lom official website for £140.

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