Tuesday 8 December 2015

Orange stuff for my poor old hands

My hands really are poor and old. I look at posts where I have swatched onto the back of my hands and I see age spots and thin papery skin. I work in a hospital and at times when I am holding the hand of an aged patient - and by aged I mean over eighty, probably ninety and maybe one hundred - and I can barely distinguish between their hands and mine.

I am not good with handcream - I could say that I am a bit of a handcream tart for I will skit about from brand to brand with barely a couple of uses before moving onto the next brand, and I will apply once, usually at night.

So these products sit by my bedside and I apply them every night, without fail. Their cheery orange hues never fail to put a smile on my face when I apply.

Margaret Dabbs Nail and Cuticle Serum, is a light serum with a slightly citrussy whiff. It comes in a pump which is a little temperamental, one pump is sufficient for all ten nail beds. What I like about this product is that it sets the scene for me, it sinks into my cuticles with a bit of a massage and feels both healing and nourishing without the drippiness of an oil - my nails which are now short, look healthy and well groomed. I should be putting it in my handbag and using it regularly but frankly my brain is not that forward thinking - it would make its way into the handbag or more likely pocket and then languish there until I remembered it, in the meantime my nails would revert back to hard and painful hangnailness.

Pai Rosehop BioRegenerate Oil, I have not really managed to incorporate this into my facial routine but I know about its legend ability to tackle discolouration. I don't find it especially moisturising but I find it nourishing if that makes sense, what I mean is that it seems to penetrate my papery skin which at times can look like those left over leaf husks, maybe they are sweet pea seed husks? I don't know but there is a transparency to the skin on the back of my hands which reminds me of them. This product fills out the transparency and gives the skin some substance.

Balance Me Supermoisturising Handcream, currently my favourite handcream. It is for me the moisturising part of the equation, my skin feels hydrated after an application. It is quite thick but not heavy and has quite a spicy scent. 

I have plenty of "before" pictures but I will attempt to remember to post some "after" pictures in a couple of months to see if there has been a significant improvement.

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