Monday 21 March 2016

Something Blue - Sunday Riley Blue Moon Tranquility Cleansing Balm

I mentioned this product in a previous post where there was a distinctive blue hue to a current slew of beauty products, as can be seen below

But this product deserves a post all of its own - I have purchased, used up and now re-purchased this product for I don't think I could live without it.

It is a thick, waxy balm I suppose, it needs a bit of a dig to get it out, but it does melt quickly and it is blue - I feel as if my second batch is bluer than my first, but that could just be me. It does require a bit of work into the skin, it is not as melty as say Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm, but that bit of resistance is okay for me as I find I am not slipping and sliding all over my face uncontrollably. It does slacken with the addition of water but it is rather a chore so I prefer to remove with a warm flannel.

I have used it to remove makeup but at only 100mls and £46 for that amount, I am loathe to frankly waste it on that function. For me I like to cleanse my face and then use this as a hydrating mask whilst I am in the shower in the evening, then remove and go on with various oils and moisturisers. 

Ingredients listed below

£46 for 100mls jar which is shallow enough and wide enough to get every last scrap out of.

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