Wednesday 13 April 2016

Omorovicza Omoressence

So I knew about essences from about the time that I knew about Japanese skin care regimes circa 1980s and SKII in particular, but being poor and rather intimidated by beauty counters, and online not existing then, I didn't explore further other than a cursory glance at ingredients.

I have used it for about four and a half weeks, am and pm, post cleanse and spritz/tone/exfoliate pad things; as per instructed I drip about four drops into my palm and apply to my face.

Now that is easier said than done, for this is a slim and heavy glass bottle, no squeezing allowed, and there is no means of getting at this fortified water other than upending this heavy bottle and dripping out the nectar. And then one has to get the bloody stuff onto one's face, with the texture of water that seems less than easy.

But easy it is for this does have a whisper of texture, a hint of solidity which allows for transference from palm to face and suprisingly a bit of slip to press and slide into the plains of ones face with little fuss.

Now to say that I am blown away by this product would be an exaggeration, but given that this is the only product that I have added to my routine, I have found that my skin looks better, and feels better - and by "looks better" I mean less visible pores, less visible thread veins, and by "feels better" I mean more hydrated - and I do scrutinise my face with a 10x mag mirror daily.

The scent is lightly herbal, and the texture is one up from water. 

Ingredients below taken from packaging

In four and a half weeks of continuous 2x daily use, I have got to the top of the start of the Omoressence wording, so I have I reckon most of year's worth of use.

I don't really know why I bought this, I didn't feel the need for an extra step in my skin care, but I love a "new" and I took a punt on a trusted brand and for me it has worked very well.

£75 for 100mls

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