Monday 11 April 2016

Show and tell

I have recently made a few skincare purchases and rather than frightening the horses by posting a video, this seemed the best way to show them.

And here they are sans packaging. A couple of Omorovicza, an Oskia and a Sunday Riley.

Omorovicza Omoressence -  I have been using this for about a month now and will afford it a post all of its own for I am more than delighted with this fortified water I suppose I would call it, very hydrating.

Oskia Renaissance 360 Cream -  I bought this in the hopes of addressing the age spots which run rampant across the perimeters of my face, and with the more clement weather approaching, one's thoughts turn to lighter textures in skin care and on a first couple of goes this seems to be ideal for me, but again a fuller post when I have been using it.

Sunday Riley Tidal Brightening Enzyme Cream - I almost feel as if Sunday Riley could package up scrapings from the floor and I would buy unseen and untried, for that is exactly what I did with this new moisturiser. I have to finish another moisturiser before I can start this and on a first trial I feel that this will be a pm moisturiser for it has a hint of oiliness about it which I fear may not sit well under makeup, however I need a more consistent, regular use before I can comment fully.

Omorovicza Hydra Melting Cleanser - I had my eye on this for sometime, and really need a new cleanser like a hole in the head but then Ruth AMR posted this and I was sold. I have used it but once because I have a few to use up first.

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