Monday 1 August 2016

NIOD Superoxide Dismutase Saccharide Mist

I purchased this because it was new, no suprise there really, I like new things and am constantly searching for the one product or products for I would not want to restrict myself, which make my skin look amazing.

This is a rather unrealistic task for this product for it is to all intents and purposes a facial mist, a spray, something which one faffs about with. But you see for me this product is anything but, and I was well flabbergasted as to its immediate and lasting effect on my skin.

NIOD is a new brand just over a year old, and I have blogged about it before and there is lots of information on their own website, Caroline Hirons had a post with comment answered by the brand's inventor (for want of a better word) and Victoria Health has comprehensive information with each of the products that they sell. 

SDSM - as it intialises as, is marketed as a face and body treatment which hydrates the skin and protects against oxidation. In a nutshell, it isn't a toner, but it is to my mind, maybe a suped up toner with added benefits.

What I found on my skin post application was firstly that it does not feel like a toner on the skin. I sprayed it on, goodish spray but it does come out a bit spurty but then where is there a spray which does not spurt a bit? And for want of speed I rubbed it into my face - the texture is lovely, like a thinnish serum - it has substance.  My skin felt immediately plumped up, as if every cell had supped at a cool clear mountain stream. But what amazed me the most was how well every other product I applied, down to my base and concealer, went on so much more easily and lasted so much longer with far less breakup and cracking and general wear and tear.

The ingredients are listed below and there is information about how each one actively works to increase hydration and decrease the effects of oxidation and general inflammation on the skin on the NIOD website and the Victoria Health website.

It is £34 for 240mls and is likely to last a good time even with generous spraying. It has somewhat nudged me into trying the brand again, and at the moment all my other hydrating type sprays are taking a back seat.


  1. Love Deciem products. I will try this!

  2. I think it is excellent. Thanks for your comment.
