Wednesday 4 January 2017

Frederic Malle L'Eau D' Hiver

I am tempting to do the nigh on impossible here and that is to describe a perfume. Goodness I think that fragrance description really is the pinnacle of beauty writing, for how does one describe a scent? One could go down the route of notes or one could hone in on the experiences the smell evokes. Or one could do what I am probably going to end up doing which is a muddle of both.

I love perfume, to me it is a necessary frivolity, necessary because I want to smell nice just as I want to brush hair, it is a given. Frivolity because I can pick and choose on a whim, I can dismiss well known and expensive perfumes because I don't bloody well like the smell hello Chanel No 5, not for me - and I can embrace a cheaper perfumes because, well today I feel like it is a JLo Glow day.

I did not know of L'Eau D'Hiver until I read Sali Hughes's review  and that piqued my interest. I let it alone for a while, mainly because it was not available in my locality, but at the start of this year it became a bit of an obsession and I tracked down a sample, which was enough to make me want to envelope myself in it, and low and behold Father Christmas headed my heavy hints and a bottle appeared.

So for me, this is quite a gentle scent, in that it does not smell citrussy or wakey uppy or zingy in any way. It does not require careful application, I can douse myself in this - partly due to it being an EDT rather than an EDP, it does not last greatly on me, or maybe it does but I can no longer smell it, it is quiet and understated. It is a skin scent rather than a fabric scent - what I mean by that is that it performs better if sprayed on skin rather than on fabric, on my skin and fabric that is.

To me it smells gently spicey, a bit liquoricey, maybe a note of frankincense? It is truly lovely, whether it translates into the height of summer I will wait and see. 

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