Monday 2 January 2017

May Lindstrom Pendulum Potion - first impressions

So this came in my Caroline Hirons Box of Dreams II. A 30mls size. I was delighted with this box. I bought it for myself and have sat on my hands until the New Year to open.

So this is a cleansing oil, in the introductory video the advice was not to use it as a first cleanse, so I didn't.

I used it for the first time yesterday evening, I removed my makeup with my makeup remover of choice as per current regime (Eve Lom incase you are wondering) , removed, reapplied and removed and then applied Pendulum. 

There are no instructions, it is housed in a dark glass bottle with a dropper which suggests a few drops. I shook for good measure and dripped out about 8 drops, about a 5 pence piece, maybe slightly more. It is an oil coloured oil, in that it is straw coloured, slightly green, but some darker brown oil was slicked through it. I rubbed it between my hands and the oil became a reddish brown and I massaged in and nipped in the shower as is my wont of a pm. 

It massages in well, and sinks in to a certain extent, it is not a light fluid oil, but neither is it thick and sticky. It has a distinctive scent, somewhat incense stick like. And this is my problem with May Lindstrom products, the scents are, well scenty, fine if one likes a distinctive smell in one's products, but scent really is so very personal and it is a bit too much for me, as it was with Blue Cocoon, there is too much scent, it sort of got in the way with me and so it is with this product, maybe.

Still unlike Blue Cocoon, I know where I am with Pendulum for it is a cleansing oil. And cleanse it bloody well did, it remove a blackhead from my nose which has been there for a good 5 years - amazed? I bloody am.

Of course I need to continue to use this longer than once, but so far, so intrigued. I will keep you posted, probably in about a month's time.

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