Friday 6 January 2017

Hyaluronic cream and weird hand photos

I went to Paris for October half-term last year. It was the first time in over thirty years that I have been to Paris, let alone abroad, I was super excited, as giddy as the sixteen year old I was when I first went, I enjoyed every minute of it, especially the pharmacies.

One of my purchases was this cream.

It is a in essence a cream as in it is opaque and white and can be squeezed out and applied. It is immediately cooling and hydrating, literally like dipping one's hand in cold water, the main ingredient is hyaluronic acid. 

Now it is not easy to photograph the effects of a cream on one's face, it is not easy to photograph skin changes anyway, what one perceives so clearly with the eye, translates so dismally to the screen, for this cream really does hydrate, really and truly.

I applied it to the hand on the right in the photo below, now I know that probably if I applied any cream to my dehydrated hands then there would be a marked difference, but I am not sure that that marked difference would appear on the screen, in the photo below it does.

On a completely random note, why do hands look so alien in photos? 

Perhaps it is just my hands, but I look at them and think, why have my mother's hands appeared at the end of my arms?

The cream is around £14 for a 100mls tube, I do tend to layer it underneath a richer cream and treat it a bit as a creamserum.

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