Monday 2 March 2015

Zoeva Concealer Buffer Brush #142 and Real Techniques Delux Crease Brush

Many minor inconveniences occur when one moves into one's later years, having to shave my eyelids is one inconvenience, hence my previous post on Lilibeth of New York's Eyebrow Shaper, another is having to deal with the sleep deposits which collect throughout the day and settle in my tearducts annoyingly.

I don't "do" eyeshadow. I realised from a very early age - probably around twelve when I started to dabble in makeup that my there was insufficient space from upper lash line to brow to do anything other than keep it clean. Sadly even from that early age there has always been sufficient skin, and the folds and creases mean that clean and clear and bright is the only way to go with my eyelids, that and maybe making sure there is not too much flatness.

So I need to remove the sleep deposits and cover the teabag stains which surround my eyes. And this I can manage with a careful "pad, don't rub" application but to achieve perfection I need a buffing brush for the eyelids, and being somewhat of an obsessive I decided to compare and contrast the two available.

And there really is very little in it.

Side by side I cannot even remember which is which. The Zoeva is a fraction more densely packed, but it is a smidge, a hair's breath.

Both buff eye products in with aplomb. Zoeva is available from Beautybay amongst other online retailers and is below £10 and Real Techniques is available from Boots amongst other retailers but has to be bought as part of a set which is more than £10

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