Monday 6 April 2015

Beauty Blender

I really am a bit late to the party on this one. I vaguely new that to apply foundation with a sponge was to render the finish sheer and veil like and smooth, but all that faffing around with water and dampness and smeariness, well frankly I couldn't be arsed, so I ignored in favour of fingers or brushes at a push.

But in all honesty fingers were fine but I could look a bit caked and brushes, well I have never really found one that I have wielded with aplomb, and at least I always know that my fingers are clean.

I knew about the Beauty Blender but when I would see it in use on You Tube videos (as an aside I find it so strange that we no longer use videos as in those cassettes that one sticks into a machine to view, they are obsolete, but the word is still in circulation because there is no updated word to describe the recordings) I would slightly shudder at the discoloured pink sponge.

SpaceNK has started to stock the Beauty Blender and on a whim I decided to purchase and I fancied a white one - because that is going to be really easy to keep clean....

I love this. I love its shape, I love its bounciness, I love the dense spongeyness of it. And most of all I love how it seems to sheer out my foundation. One day when I am feeling brave I may well video it in action.

£16 from SpaceNK - it does come in other colours which maybe have other properties? 

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