Wednesday 29 April 2015

Cane + Austin Ultra Sheer Weightless Sunscreen SPF 50

Trying to encourage one's nearest and dearest to sun protect is not easy. My husband is not quite of the Gene Hunt generation but is forgetful, skin care is as interesting to him as sheds are to me - not on my radar unless they get in the way when I venture into the garden, just as my pots of unguents get in the way of where he puts his razor.

He is also blessed with the sort of skin which does not seem to age in the discolouration stakes, a few wrinkles but even toned from forehead to neck.

I wanted to encourage him to use a sunscreen and hit on this one because it is high protection and very light in texture. I also thought that the packaging would appeal. 

This really is extremely light in texture, almost like milk. No jarring scent. It spreads easily and sinks in quickly.

Amazingly since I bought this for him, he has used it every day. A first for any product.

Currently £35 for 59.1mls from SpaceNK

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