Thursday 9 April 2015


I used to wear nail varnish regularly, but now it is high days and holidays only. I want my nails to look healthy and cared but being lazy I want it to be minimal effort for maximum gain.

One of the chapters in the book How to be Beautiful by Kathleen Baird Murray which I posted about yesterday, was on nails and Marian Newman was interviewed and quizzed on how to keep nails groomed. Her response was nail oil daily rubbed into cuticles, filing weekly and buffing with a 3-way buffer weekly to keep up shine but also run along the free edge to minimise the snagging which can occur as water seeps into the layers of the nails causing them to peel.

Here is what I use - Solar Oil because I like the almondy scent, Leighton Denny Diamond Buffer which is still going strong a good few years post purchase and Leighton Denny Crystal Nail file - I have two of the smaller pocket sizes and one of the large sizes and they are simply the best nail files I have ever used, I can saw backwards and forward with my usual cack-handedness without any ill effects.

Nails pre treatment.

And post treatment.

I probably need to apply a generous dollop of hand cream but over all this is how I want them to look.

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